Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Assignment 2 Advertisement Analysis - 2042 Words

[pic] [pic] [pic] TABLE OF CONTENTS `McDonalds Advertisement Analysis 3 Dolce Gabbana Advertisement Analysis 4 Givenchy Perfume Ange Ou Demon Advertisement Analysis 6 McDonalds Advertisement Analysis McDonalds’ advertisements are everywhere. The advertisements are on TV, radio, and in magazines. It is nearly impossible to go one day without seeing one. The company spends millions of dollars on advertising their product each and every year to a number of different target audiences. In this advertisement McDonalds is advertising one of the value meals on their menu. The target audience that McDonalds is aiming the advertisement to is middle to upper-class people. It is very effective because it shows that the high class†¦show more content†¦The ad gives the viewer a sense that men are encouraged to take what they want at their own convenience. This ad objectifies women in a way that makes them seem pathetic and vulnerable. The DG ad is an example of how the media are influencing our consumer culture into thinking that this is the way men should act towards women. In this ad there is a very beautiful, young woman laying in distress, under a very attractive male, who is holding her down by her wrists. Around them are three other half-naked men who are also very good-looking. The others gathered around them are just starring blankly at the woman being held down in distress. I think that the product being advertised by Dolce Gabbana is women and men’s apparel. As I look at this ad I try to imagine a prospective buyer looking at this ad for the first time. What do they notice? What appeals to them and persuades them to purchase this item? Is it the rippling, glistening 10-pack abs of the aggressive half-naked males, or is it the utter calmness and still flawless physique of the women being held down? I believe that this advertisement is a good depiction of the some of the gender roles and sexist mindsets that our media is embedding into the youth of our generation. This ad seems to give the impression that it is acceptable for men to treatShow MoreRelatedCom306D1309 Words   |  6 PagesDEPARTMENT OF COMMUNICATION SCIENCE COM 306-D COMMUNICATION RESEARCH ASSIGNMENT 1 TASK 5.10 DUE DATE: 27 FEBRUARY 2011 STUDENT NAME: CHANE ARNOLDS STUDENT NR: 35599243 SIGNED DECLARATION I, Chanel Arnolds, hereby declare that this assignment is my own work, except where I have clearly acknowledged the work off others by means of correct referencing techniques. I have read and understood sections 8 and 9 of Tutorial letter 301/2010 regarding referencing techniques and plagiarism. SubmittedRead MoreThe Objective. Advertising Is One Of The Most Important1676 Words   |  7 Pagesefficient manner. 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Conclusion†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. Executive summary: The blush hair and beauty studio (salon) is located in RingwoodRead MoreArticle Review : Law Problems Essay1085 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction: This assignment explores a series of law problems in our daily life involving the form, the validity and the types of contract. It will refer to Sam’s case for getting a clear understanding of underpinning theories as well as estimating what Sam can do in those cases. In the assignment, the difficulties of Sam can be analyzed through three cases and summaries, some case examples can be cited as references to help explaining. 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University guidance is available at Advertisements have a great impact on consumers’ mind and actionRead MoreAl Ain Dairy: Market Expansion1165 Words   |  5 PagesINTERNATIONAL BUSINESS SCHOOL YEAR 2012/2013 INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT Al Ain Dairy: Market Expansion FACULTY OF ECONOMICS UNIVERSITY OF LJUBLJANA 1. Recommend new products for Al Ain Diary based on competitive analysis, consumer insights and emerging trends. Al Ain Dairy is the UAE’s largest dairy company by market share with customers not only from the UAE market but also from Europe and other Asian countries. Besides

Monday, December 16, 2019

How College Studies And Entrepreneurship - 1969 Words

How to Combine College Studies and Entrepreneurship I would like to begin my essay with a part of an article, written by Lewis Humphries â€Å"In the wake of the global recession, the American employment market has undergone a significant transition. This is part of an international trend, as individuals turn toward self-employment, contracting, and entrepreneurship as ways of earning a living. In fact, according to Quartz, it is estimated that more than 40% of the U.S. workforce will be working independently by the year 2020†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Money Crashers). Just keep that in mind, when you go through the paper and you will find that the topics, raised in this essay have a strong connection with modern reality and, probably, with you in particular. Today,†¦show more content†¦In order to make sure that the data in this research are current and accurate a coordinator of entrepreneurial studies at Paul college, Laura Hill was interviewed. First of all, students and young entrepreneurs should understand that they are not the first or the last, who do such business. That means that a lot of data - studies, advices, stories of successful and unsuccessful forerunners - could be found from a variety of sources. However, one should also understand that every business has its own path with own decisions, communications and methods of bypassing problems – each and every firm is always in its own set of circumstances that require specific actions. When one learns, steps can be repeated after someone, when one does a business, he/she takes a role of a trail blazer, who has to discover the essence. This is not the only concept an entrepreneur should understand and there are specially adopted programs, provided in various colleges, including Paul college at UNH, that allow students to develop their own businesses being guided by their instructors (Laura Hill). The second important thing is idea. According to business dictionary, an idea is an opinion or belief. That means that any idea of future business comes to mind is something one believes in. An entrepreneur knows exactly what is wrong

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Framing of Federal Domestic Violence Policy †

Question: Discuss about the Framing of Federal Domestic Violence Policy. Answer: Introduction: Cross-examination refers to the vital part of protecting those, who are accused for the sexual crimes. The complainant in the sexual assault trial can run on the identification and lack of consent. There should be no dispute of the occurrence of sexual contact. The advocate can face the indictment frequently with the numerous calculations. This needs to be scrutinized under the defense counsel to prevent the sexual assault. For such purpose, the cross- examination is necessary. At the time of child complaint, the preparation of the cross- examination needs to be prepared earlier. The characteristic of the complaints need to be analyzed. Zydervelt et al. (2016) mentioned thatbit is necessary to make the chronology of the complaint so that at the time of analysis, no problem can occur. The support of the forensic test is necessary in case of cross- examination. This policy helps to reform the limit cross- examination of the sexual assault complaints. However, in Australia, the number o f conviction rate in the sexual cases is decreasing gradually due to the cross-examination policy. This can include the statement of Policy and Practice of the police prosecution services. In such case, Westera et al. (2017) mentioned that the police and prosecution plays the important role to take the proper decision. The policy is made to help the victims of sexual harassment. There should be a presumption to use an alternative way to collect the evidence rather than the video recording. Aspect of the trial method, the complainant needs to know about the psoobile alternative ways. This will help to provide the evidence with the physical layout of courtroom. This can include the access as well as the waiting room. Henderson (2015) mentioned that during the involvement of victim, the prosecutor needs to ensure that the arrangements should be made for victims for meeting with victim Advisor. The alternative meaning of evidence needs to be explained by the victim. Keam and Cook (2016) mentioned that the guidance can suggest the third person to convey the information gathered from the complainant to prosecutor. The difficulty in such context is that the victim advisor needs to explain the alternative way before using the alternative way. The performance can be expressed back to prosecutor. In such way , the prosecutor is also able to use then alternative way. This will help to enquiry about the relevant information of the complainant and provide the best outcome. The victim can be afraid to convey the information but the victim adviser needs to handle the situation and reveal the truth (Stolzenberg and Lyon 2014). Strength and weakness: The strength of the policy is that the alternative way is useful to reveal the truth. This helps to build the relationship in between the prosecutor and victim advisor. This provides a better chance to convey the conviction (Konradi 2016). In such way, the victim is able to express her feelings and emotions. The victim can express the frustration and fear. This helps to involve the evidence physically rather than recorded videos. The policy helps to make people aware about the crime and guilt as well as the punishment. The alternative way can include the interview system, in which the victim adviser can interview the victim if she feels problems to convey her feelings in front of the courtroom (Zydervelt et al. 2016). Another way that the process can involve is installing CCTV camera in the waiting room and court room to record the incidence of the victim. This can help in another case. However, the rate of such incidence is decreasing in present days, which is a good point of the alternative technique. The interview and footage record can be sent for the forensic test that will help in the courtroom (Stolzenberg and Lyon 2014). In the alternative way, the evidence mainly shares the right information to the courtroom as wrong information can be punishable. In such case, the victim advisor and the prosecutor are also need to make the evidence aware of. The alternative way helps to remove the annoying and offensive acts in the courtroom. The policy helps to reduce the ethnicity, race and sex difference of the evidence and helps them to convey their concerns without any fear. The weakness of the policy involves that the evidence may not be agreed to involve directly or physically in the courtroom. Moreover, the prosecution may face problems to apply such alternative way in the justice system. The victim can feel uneasy and shy or afraid to express her feelings and emotions in front of the court. Hoyano (2015) mentioned that the victim adviser may not find adequate number of evidence to show in the courtroom, which may lead to failure of the case. Therefore, before applying the alternative way, it is necessary to check all the consequences. As mentioned by Konradi (2016), the criminal justice is very difficult in case of the sexual harassment cases as the victim feels unsafe to convey the feelings. Therefore, it is necessary to incorporate the current strong legislatives and framework in the alternative method. The cases of sexual harassment need strong evidence that is difficult to obtain. Moreover, the forensic report may take long period and can be cost ly that the victim cannot bear (Westera et al. 2017). Therefore, the victim can be agreed to participate in the justice system and withdraw the case. Therefore, the victim needs safety and financial support to continue the case as well as the evidence. The prosecution needs to cooperate in the justice system and needs to be polite to the victim so that she do not feel uncomfortable to share her concerns and feelings (Sinclair 2015). Menial pressure is created on the victim as well as the evidence, which affects them negatively. This can cause of various health problems in the victim and the evidences. The cross examination policy has various strengths and weakness but can be used in the courtroom. The policy can develop the situation in Australia and reduce the sexual harassment cases. References Henderson, E., 2015. Bigger fish to fry: Should the reform of cross-examination be expanded beyond vulnerable witnesses?.The International Journal of Evidence Proof,19(2), pp.83-99. Hoyano, L., 2015. Reforming the adversarial trial for vulnerable witnesses and defendants.Criminal Law Review,2, pp.107-129. Keam, G. and Cook, K., 2016. The framing of federal domestic violence policy responses. InRefereed Proceedings of TASA 2016 Conference(p. 161). Konradi, A., 2016. Can Justice Be Served on Campus? An Examination of Due Process and Victim Protection Policies in the Campus Adjudication of Sexual Assault in Maryland.Humanity Society, p.0160597616651657. Sinclair, B., 2015. A Discussion Regarding a Partial Shift in the Burden of Proof in Sexual Violence Offending in New Zealand: the Search for Justice on Behalf of Complainants. Stolzenberg, S.N. and Lyon, T.D., 2014. How attorneys question children about the dynamics of sexual abuse and disclosure in criminal trials.Psychology, Public Policy, and Law,20(1), p.19. Westera, N., Zydervelt, S., Kaladelfos, A. and Zajac, R., 2017. Sexual assault complainants on the stand: a historical comparison of courtroom questioning.Psychology, Crime Law,23(1), pp.15-31. Zydervelt, S., Zajac, R., Kaladelfos, A. and Westera, N., 2016. Lawyers strategies for cross-examining rape complainants: Have we moved beyond the 1950s?.British Journal of Criminology, p.azw023.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactor free essay sample

Recently the spotlight has been set on renewable energies to assist with weaning off of greenhouse gas emissions, solving issues with energy independence, and to exploit their inherent renewability. Unfortunately our technology is not quite up to speed economically with our wish to rely completely on renewable energy, thus many non- renewable energies are recognized as viable options to power our economy (Fraser, 2011). The United States current position on diversifying with non-renewables onsists of oil, natural gas, coal, and the less spoken of, nuclear power. Nuclear power is the process by which a reactor contains a slow explosion called fission, which gives Offa positive net amount of energy that can be harvested. Of course the social stigma around nuclear is so strong that even if there were an undiscovered completely safe type of nuclear power plant, Justifying the complex science would be challenging. After events such as Fukushima, Chernobyl, and Three Mile Island, the vast majority of society believes nuclear energy is nothing more than a death wish. We will write a custom essay sample on Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactor or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Contrary to popular belief, a safer alternative in nuclear energy has been discovered and has been gaining popularity over the past few years despite the recent tragedy in Japan (Sorensen, 2011). Though newly rekindled, the non-mainstream nuclear power known as Molten Salt Reactor (MSR) was discovered in the 1960s and had been proved to be a very attractive option to the more popular Light Water Reactor (LWR). It all began with nuclear physicist Alvin Weinberg, who would graduate from the University of Chicago soon become research director at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). Weinberg was given the freedom to experiment with designing multiple types of nuclear reactors including the prominent LWRs that are in commercial use today. Subsequently Weinberg had noted the potential danger of a LWR and moved on to designing a safer nuclear power technology that he would end up supporting for the rest of his life. His research team at ORNL created a fluid fuel in a MSR, opposed to the traditional solid fuel in LWRs, in order to decrease the pressure and overall danger of the system. To Weinbergs delight, although this rototype MSR had corrosive issues because of the salt involved, Weinberg deemed this technology far more superior to LWR. Furthermore, the worst part about current hatred for LWRs is that although it can be a dangerous process, the technology is revolutionary and its power has potential that we are seriously unaware of. For now with our current state of knowledge about nuclear power combined with our worlds predicament with how we generate power so ineffectively, MSRs must be and should have always been the governments number one priority (Sorensen, 2011). This pecific type of nuclear reactor is certainly on the minds of at least China, India, Brazil, Indonesia, South Korea, and Australia (Furukawa, 2008). Since these countries showed interest at least by 2008 it can be assumed that they are already in the process of construction. An example for our worst-case scenario would be for the United States to simply stand back and watch as the rest ot the world capi talizes on the best power generating technology known to man. A technology that of course the United States developed and had in operation fifty years ago, but the idea simply aded away. As the majority of the US would like to go green, it may not be too early to claim the MSR as green nuclear power. Nuclear reactors do not emit greenhouse gases taking care of one of the three major concerns with the future of energy. Though observing an entire life cycle of Thorium and materials to make the power plant, there are transportation emissions involved. It turns out however, that Thorium is extremely accessible in the US as it is already mined concurrently with other rare earth minerals but is typically discarded for lack of utility. The United States has omewhere in the order of 15% of the worlds total Thorium stockpile at around 15 million tons (Bonometti, 2008). Even if we were to run out of Thorium, the Moon has even greater amounts that by the time we begin to hit peak Thorium it will surely be so far in the future that extracting moon materials would not be a challenge. As an investor this further assures a safe bet, but what is so safe about the LFTR design is that a meltdown or explosion is so much more unlikely to occur than in LWR systems. Since the carrier of thorium is a liquid, liquid fluoride, it allows standard pressure at igh temperatures. Traditionally, in LWR, water had to cool down the solid fuel since it couldnt handle the high temperatures because of high pressure, which had always been a fine line behind meltdowns (Sorensen, 2011). In the LFTR, the system can naturally correct an over heated system by melting a frozen salt plug at the base of the system to enter into an emergency cooling tank. If LFTR technology has already been proved, proved to be safe, proved to be powerful, and proved to be available and cheap, then why doesnt the world run on it? The technology itself seems to be a it mysterious itself or maybe doubtful since it has already been ignored once before. What it comes down to is the timescale that nuclear reactors had been created. Back at Oak Ridge Laboratory where Weinberg had designed nuclear power he first designed the LWR, which happened to be more dangerous, but nevertheless reported his results. Quickly academics and politicians alike were astounded by the amount of power that could be generated through nuclear fission. Academics such as Weinberg understood the dangerous design of the LWR and proceeded to design afer alternatives, hence the MSR. Politicians on the other hand, had deadlines to meet, people to please, Jobs to create, and the LWR went commercial. There is even a specific phone call between President Nixon and a California LWR director expressing swift actions to commercialize the technology before elections (Sorensen, 2011). As Weinberg fought the Nixon administration to stop continuing with LWRs he was soon fired from the Oak Ridge Lab and so did the MSR department. Thus many scientists have since seen and admired his work and have finally had reason to express its arious benefits once the inevitable failures of LWR ensued, for example, Fukushima. In addition, it is important to note how resultant issues with LWR nuclear plants in the past have all been due to the intrinsic difficulty with handling a solid fuel at its required high pressure for fission to take place. In other words, none of those accidents would have happened if they would have simply listened to their founder, Weinberg, and chose to go with an MSR design. As the public is informed with this somewhat difficult science I imagine it will take about as long to understand the itterence in types ot nuclear reactors as it did tor the majority ot the population to understand the science behind the greenhouse effect. This is based on the fact that the same oil and coal industries will be threatened along with ill-educated environmentalists who will viciously support only renewable energy.